[TenTec] Off Shore Garbage

Tom Pennebaker n4rs at iamotelephone.com
Thu May 29 09:13:06 EDT 2014

Pepe, your 100% correct. Sadly I think you are preaching to the choir. 
The sign of the times is APATHY, I hope I'm not around when the next 
stage occurs....sure would be refreshing to see the off shore garbage 
being posted here to go away and get back to TT dialogue...Tom N4RS

Been there suffered that.   That's the way totalitarian governments 
(economies ) operate and if they are run by communists who like many 
religions want to dominate those who don't think like them, they will do 
whatever they believe will work to their advantage and to their 
"enemies" disadvantage.  Yeah, let's continue to purchase their stuff... 
They are not Japan (today) nor Taiwan though Taiwan may soon soon be 
absorbed my her bigger neighbor and we won't be able to do anything to 
prevent it.   I won't be around to suffer the consequences but 
unfortunately my grand kids or great grand kids will.   We continue to 
invest in their power building to our detriment.   Hope and pray that I 
an completely wrong.
73, Pepe WP3HW

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