[TenTec] New Radios in the Future

Jim Allen jim.allen at longhornband.net
Sun Nov 2 16:49:13 EST 2014

If all one did was contests, one style would be best.  Working DX day to
day would make some other set up preferable.  You seldom use split in
contesting, and seldom do without it these days working DX, for example.

I do like the red LED that lights up when the split button is selected.
Once you know what you are doing (nothing beats that!) it's a constant
reminded of the configuration you have selected, minimizing the opportunity
to mess up.  A spotlight would be better but that would ruin the current

Now if you ragchew on 40M  LSB, perhaps none of these features are very

73 de W6OGC Jim Allen

On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 3:31 PM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP <Rick at dj0ip.de> wrote:

> I think that's the key to the transition, Barry.
> It will only happen when someone provides a user interface we are
> comfortable with.
> [Barry] when you are contesting, how many of the knobs do you actually use?
> I use 3 in CW and 4 in SSB.
> Even when I had radios with a lot more knobs, that was all I would use.
> I set the radio up slightly different for SSB contests than I do for CW
> contests, but once I have it set up, I don't touch much.
> Of all the radios I have ever owned, which is quite a few, the OMNI VI was
> the one whose user interface appealed to me the most.  I liked punching
> buttons and seeing an led light up.  I much prefer radios with lighter
> front
> panels and dark print (easier to read), I like the big S-Meter.
> How about a combination of a User Interface Box with 4 or 5 knobs, together
> with an abbreviated screen of a few more features you might occasionally
> need to change?  During a contest I don't need to view every single
> changeable parameter that the radio has, each time I want to change the
> important features that I change often.  I want to see as few as possible -
> only the ones I actually need, keeping it as simple as possible so that I
> don't make mistakes when operating half in my sleep.
> When the contest is over, I can change the on screen interface to show as
> many features as I like.
> Seems this user-definable interface would give me what I want, as long as I
> could define a few of them to be on knobs.
> In the past when this topic has come up and I have said I don't change much
> in a contest, others have chimed in that they need to be able to change all
> kinds of things.  But when I ask the simple question, "what all are you
> changing during the contest", nobody ever replies.
> 73 - Rick, DJ0IP
> (Nr. Frankfurt am Main)

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