[TenTec] New Radios in the Future

Barry N1EU barry.n1eu at gmail.com
Sun Nov 2 17:03:11 EST 2014

On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 9:31 PM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP <Rick at dj0ip.de> wrote:

> [Barry] when you are contesting, how many of the knobs do you actually use?
> I use 3 in CW and 4 in SSB.
> Even when I had radios with a lot more knobs, that was all I would use.

Actually, contesting is about the least knob intensive activity I do.  I'm
more interested in the display than the knobs for contesting, with
full-time display of all my settings (bw, pbt, comp, pwr, mon, agc, rf/af
gain, sidetone, pre) so I can see them at a glance (what I did NOT like
about the K3 and what I like about the Orion).  When I'm contesting, I
program CAT macros to N1MM function keys to control main and sub receiver
audio so I can quickly choose which receiver to listen to in SO2V.  In
terms of knobs, the only two knobs I think I need quick access to are VFO-A
tuning and RF Gain/AGC Threshold.

> Of all the radios I have ever owned, which is quite a few, the OMNI VI was
> the one whose user interface appealed to me the most.  I liked punching
> buttons and seeing an led light up.  I much prefer radios with lighter
> front
> panels and dark print (easier to read), I like the big S-Meter.

I've been singing that tune for a while.  I was using the Omni 6 in today's
sweepstakes contest and besides the best front panel ever, it is just a
great cw radio with a really sweet sounding cw receiver.

73, Barry N1EU

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