[TenTec] OMNI VI must have a very quiet LO

Barry N1EU barry.n1eu at gmail.com
Thu Nov 6 11:00:45 EST 2014

Yes, the Omni 6 IS a quiet receiver. But there's a little smoke and mirrors
involved on the part of Ten-Tec engineering and quiet mixers and gain
stages might not deserve the credit.

73, Barry N1EU

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 3:38 PM, Peter Bertini <radioconnection at gmail.com>

> One "benefit" of being an old fart is a severe loss of hearing much above
> 2.8 kHz...  if there is any hiss above 3.4 kHz it is out of my hearing
> range... LOL.  I probably can sell some of the analog audio filters I've
> used in the past. But, Omni VI and Paragon II still seem to be very quiet
> receivers.
> Pete
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