[TenTec] Modern version of the Tec Tec Corsair - please Ten Tec!

Paul Gentry phgentry at gmail.com
Wed Oct 1 13:14:20 EDT 2014

Just my two cents into the discussion:  I sold two Omni VIIs in favor of my
old Omni A and Paragon II for daily use with my old Kenwood 940 still being
the contest/digital rig.  I have tried to love DSP with the Omni VI, VII,
and K3 but just do not like it.  The slope filtering on my 940 is still

TT has the simplicity down pretty good with the Omni VII but a revived
Corsair would sell I do believe like the Scout (just about the simplest
decent HF rig ever produced by anyone in my mind).  I think it's the parts
and cost (labor especially) that would make it prohibitive to do.

Hands down audio pleasureability to my ear is still the Omni A.

73 and Good DX,
Paul K4BWG

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