[TenTec] Eagle Comparison

James Boswell jboswell at nrao.edu
Thu Oct 2 11:46:34 EDT 2014

     Several years ago I got to do this comparison: Omni C vs Eagle. Now 
we are talking about a simple "what sounds best" comparison. After 
several hours of listening using a basic HF vertical. I would have to 
say there was a even comparison. That is an interesting point 
considering the difference in the age of the radios.
     With the great sale on the Eagle I would really like to buy one. I 
am not willing to sell my Omni C.

  My TenTec radios:
		OMNI C         PARAGON
                 CORSAIR        CORSAIR II
                 DELTA          ARGOSY D

     If I were to rate the older TenTec radios, they would be in this 
order: 1. Corsair II  2. Corsair  3. Omni C  4. Argosy D or Delta. To 
me, the Omni C just looks like a amateur radio should look. Think about 
the Collins S line.
     I take pride in knowing I can do repairs on my older TenTec radios. 
At my age I may not be able to continue this practice in 10 years or so. 
I have even purchased extra radios to rob parts from if needed.
     Yes, I own other HF radios and enjoy camping with my Icom 703 and 
7200, two very good radios. If I can, I would like to sell a few of my 
HF rigs and buy an Eagle while it is still on sale.
     There is a market for a basic quality radio. The Icom 718 is proof 
of that market. I feel sure TenTec could serve-up a great analog HF rig 
with a $500 to 750 price tag.

     Take Care, 73'S  KA5SIW

 >     James B. Boswell                           JBoswell at NRAO.edu
 >     VLA Engineering Services                   Office: 575 835-7427
 >     National Radio Astronomy Observatory       C.Phone 505 412-3732
 >     Post Office Box 0
 >     1003 Lopezville Road
 >     Socorro, New Mexico  87801

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