[TenTec] Eagle "MON" feature

Ronnie Zoerb r.zoerb at live.com
Fri Oct 3 13:06:43 EDT 2014

 Having had a new Eagle for about a month, I have a question about the “MON”  feature. Following the directions in the Operator’s Manual do not seem to  activate any monitoring of my audio out. I do see the “func” light come on but  hear nothing when I transmit by adjusting the “multi” knob.   Has  anyone else experienced this or have any suggestions? Eagle Manual Directions: 1. Enter Secondary Function Mode2. Place in transmit by pressing the microphone PTT button.3. Toggle the Monitor Function on and off by pressing the “BAN”  button.4. You can now adjust the monitor level with the “MULTI” knob.  Love the Eagle so far. A real joy to use on CW! 73  Ron  KI0II 		 	   		  

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