[TenTec] OMNI-VI question

Wade Staggs tvman1954 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 19 14:20:39 EDT 2014

*Having recently done an alignment on one of these rigs, that is my
question also. Which is.... Is it off frequency on USB and LSB or just one
mode. If just off in LSB and USB is correct or is it off by a different
amount? There are different Trimmers to Align each Mode.... From the test
point, LSB should be 9.000.000 MHZ, USB should be 9.000.300 and CW-T would
be 9.000.400 and then the FSK Mark is 9.002.125 and Space would be
9.002.125 MHZ. Also, as we recently found out .... There are at least 3
different versions of the TX Audio Board. The Service Manual depending upon
the version of the board, will most likely have the trimmers mislabeled.
This process must be done in the correct order because the Trimmers do
interact with each other. After finding which trimmer actually does what,
or the Manual may be correct. You will need a Very Accurate Frequency
Counter to do this job correctly. My best guess is that the Band Pass
Alignment may have drifted with age. I know that we sure have Drifted with
age!!! My Friend, if you are familiar with this type work, you should have
No Troubles. And if not. Then it is a job for Ten Tec or someone with the
proper test equipment and experience to do these types or repair. Sure hope
that we have helped!*

*                                                            73 from

On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 12:02 PM, <wt4t at reagan.com> wrote:

> Have a beautiful OMNI-VI,new to me. I noticed the frequency readout is off
> about
> .68 on the readout. checked with my Sig gen and then with a zero beat on
> WWV. Went Thur the manual,nothing about this problem. Is this something
> that TEN TEC needs to fix or can I do this my self? I realize no big
> deal,but would like to have things as they should be. be grateful for any
> help on this.
> 73
> dale wt4t
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