[TenTec] Shipping methods

Jim Allen jim.allen at longhornband.net
Mon Sep 22 22:32:18 EDT 2014

I have never had a problem with UPS, or Fedex for that matter.  We used
Fedex a great deal in our business in California.

Today my Omni VI+ arrived from a factory repair, replacing all the relays
on the low pass filter board, the cause of my 160M malady a few weeks ago
and resoldering on the crystal oscillator board to fix a low output on
30M.  The radio was sent via UPS.  I tracked the shipment and today it was
out for delivery, so I sat around all day here, like an ugly girl waiting
for a date to the prom.  About 5 pm, I noticed the big brown truck heading
down the street, away from the house.  Hmmmmm.  Sure enough, they left the
box by the door out to the garage, no knock, no doorbell, no hollering,
despite a car in the driveway indicating that someone was home.  This is
unsat, in my book.

The box and its contents appear to be just fine, though.

73 de W6OGC  Jim Allen

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 8:04 PM, Jim Lowman <jmlowman at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> FedEx Home does, indeed, deliver on Tuesday through Saturday.  I don't
> believe the regular FedEx trucks work on Saturday, though.
> Good point about UPS and Saturday deliveries, Bob.
> 73 de Jim - AD6CW
> On 9/21/2014 11:45 AM, Bob McGraw - K4TAX wrote:
>> Ken et al;
>> I seem to recall the shipping companies standards do expect the contents
>> of a package to survive a 3 ft drop, landing face flat on a solid surface
>> on all 6 sides and survive a corner crush on all 8 corners.  Although, I
>> may have forgotten my numbers from my previous position dealing with
>> Quality Compliance standards.
>> And one thing about using Fed-X, I do recall they deliver on Saturday for
>> no extra charge.  Not so with UPS.   This may or may not be true for all
>> areas but I know I receive Fed-X delivery on Saturday.
>> 73
>> Bob, K4TAX
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