[TenTec] din connector, etc.

Bob McGraw - K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Wed Sep 24 20:05:00 EDT 2014

Yes, I'll give you that one, the Tentec 599 Eagle does not work like most 
rigs.  It is much better than most rigs in that regard. As Carl stated 
earlier, it is an outstanding QSK radio.  I also find that to be true.

Now, with my previous post, I went on to explain in full detail how the 
delay is applied with the various firmware timing  events thus lowering the 
RF to 0 before relay release.  The radio does what it is designed to do and 
that is fully disclosed in the manual.

As to actually measuring the timing, no I did not.  On another front,  I was 
measuring the timing and settling time of the Ameritron AL-80B for my own 
needs for use with the Eagle.  However, I did have a question in this regard 
and it was answered some time ago from the fellow that wrote the control 
code.  And I did disclose that timing detail in my previous post.

Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Brown" <k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] din connector, etc.

> On Wed,9/24/2014 4:45 PM, Bob McGraw - K4TAX wrote:
>> It does not shorten the dit.  From key closure, it delays it by ~17ms 
>> from start to finish.
> That would be fine if it works that way, but it does not with most rigs. 
> Have either of you verified that it does (with a dual trace scope)?
> 73, Jim K9YC
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