[TenTec] Corsair II - Filter Classtime Please

Bill ACITO, W1PA w1pa at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 9 15:33:10 EST 2015

A  2.4KHz
B  1.8Khz
C  500Hz
D  250Hz

Mode = SSB,  A, B, and C are put on 3, 2, 1
Mode = CW   B, C, and D are put on 3, 2, 1

If you don't have the 1.8Khz, and don't have the jumper, 
that position in the sequence will sound dead. With the 
jumper, it will pass signal, but through one of the other 
filters (doubles up two of the switch positions:  e.g. SSB 
3 and 2 are 2.4Khz, 1 is 500Hz).  If you have the 1.8, you 
should remove the jumper; if you don't, its less annoying 
and proper to put it back.

Its in the manual, albeit a bit buried.
And when you turn off the AGC and the s-meter stays on zero, 
that's normal, too.

Class dismissed.  :-)

Bill W1PA 

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