[TenTec] Dirty Transmitters - Flex and Yaesu

Darrell Bellerive VE7IU ve7iu at runbox.com
Thu Dec 10 10:57:46 EST 2015

There are so many things to consider when one chooses a radio. I went 
through this recently. In my case I wanted the brand, form factor, and 
ergonomics of the Kenwood TS-590S, the continued development and support 
of the Elecraft K3, and the quiet receiver, great noise blanker, and DSP 
filtering of the Ten-Tec Eagle.

I did NOT want the complexity and poor audio of the K3, or the lack of 
support and possible ALC and power issues of the TS-590S, or the 
ergonomics of the Eagle.

Yaesu and Icom have great feature sets, but did not impress me in the 
performance and audio quality department.

I also preferred something with a cleaner transmitter, but that was 
secondary to receive performance and audio quality.

In the end, I choose the Eagle.

Now that the K3S and TS-590SG are out, I find myself following 
discussions on those radios again, but will keep the Eagle and see what 
Ten-Tec and possibly Heathkit will do in the future. OTOH, if I win the 
lottery, I will buy a number of radios that very day. :-)

For me, my perception of performance won out over features, support, 
ergonomics, and brand.

73, Darrell VE7IU

On 15-12-10 07:25 AM, rick at dj0ip.de wrote:
> snip...
> Seems Joe Ham just didn't give a damn and continued to by the crappy Yaesu
> transmitters, so why should Yaesu fix it?
> snip...
> 73 - Rick, DJ0IP
> (Nr. Frankfurt, Germany)

Darrell Bellerive

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