[TenTec] TenTec Paragon 585

chuck adams chuck.adams.k7qo at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 14:45:28 EST 2015

On 02/04/2015 12:40 PM, Wade Staggs wrote:
> *Hello Chuck,*
> *                           I believe you may be looking for the Crystal
> Band Pass Filters @ 6.3 MHZ..... Please see the link below to the Ten Tec
> Website. *
> *http://www.tentec.com/products/250-Hz-CW-Filter-6.3-MHz-IF.html
> <http://www.tentec.com/products/250-Hz-CW-Filter-6.3-MHz-IF.html>*
> *You may find these on E-Pay ( ebay ) and several Ham Related sites as used
> for between $50.00 up to the New Cost. If you were talking about an actual
> 6.3 MHZ Crystal? Please, accept my apologies. Also, if we may help in any
> way getting your Transmitter on the air. Please feel free to contact me.*
> *                                                       73 from Wade/KJ4WS*

Thanks for the link.

I am looking for the individual HC-49U 6.3MHz crystals.  I can build
my own crystal filters.  :-)

I need the schematics for the Paragon to allow me to use an
O'scope to find the bad part(s) in the driver and PA section.
I do not want to remove the bottom covers until I can tell
where to probe.

I assume that you have a Paragon.  I already have a working
Corsair II that I have had a long time.  Got it for $200 with
P/S.  Got the Paragon for $150 with P/S.  Both in mint condition,
so not bad.

I love the QSK of the rigs.  I disabled the QSK relay in the Corsair
so that I don't hear the clicking.

73 es tnx,

chuck, k7qo

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