[TenTec] INRAD 763

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Fri Jan 9 20:54:13 EST 2015

It sounds good “on paper” but a while ago I talked to Paul Clinton at 
Ten Tec and mentioned this filter to him. He acted like Dracula 
confronted with direct sunlight. He said that TenTec would not work on 
radios with this filter installed because the center frequency of the 
filter was not right and threw the whole alignment of the radio off.

Those Inrad setups are switchable aren't they? If it can be simply 
bypassed with a control switch, then there is no reason to claim it 
cannot be worked on. Another way to bypass it may be to disconnect it 
from the signal path, while leaving it in situ. If TT refuses to work on 
it in that case, then it would seem they may be looking for any reason 
(or excuse) they can think of to avoid working on older rigs. I hope 
that is not the case.


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