[TenTec] Separate receive antenna for Eagle.

Carl Moreschi n4py3 at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 15 16:28:50 EST 2015

There's a much easier way with no relays at all.  You would end up with 
a spdt switch to select the receive only antenna.

Inside the Eagle, you will find cable #2.  This cable carries the 
receive signal to the Eagle receiver.  All you have to do is cut this 
cable and bring the two connections out of the back of the Eagle. One 
end of the cable would go to the common of the spdt switch.  The other 
end of the cable would to the normally closed contact of the switch. 
The receive antenna would go to the normally open contact of the switch.

That's all you need.  No relays at all.

Carl Moreschi N4PY
58 Hogwood Rd
Louisburg, NC 27549

On 1/15/2015 4:17 PM, Katz Ajamas wrote:
> Any suggestions?
> I'm thinking  3 SPST reed relays . One to switch the Tx antenna. One to
> switch detuner for the Tx antenna. One to switch the Rx antenna. The reed
> relays switch in ~1ms so the 17ms transmit antecedent is plenty. They are
> rated for 10**7 cycles.
> 73, Bob ah7i/w4
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