[TenTec] Ten-Tec service
Chris Howard w0ep
w0ep at w0ep.us
Thu Jan 15 17:32:23 EST 2015
Please send all orphaned radios and cash contributions
to my address as per QRZ.com
On 1/15/2015 4:22 PM, Kim Elmore wrote:
> But it's far more fun to make up astounding conspiracy theories that TT is circling the drain and that all of our radios have been rendered worthless by intention. It's fun because it gives us more to complain about and so is a good excuse to not be on the air.
> Kim N5OP
> "People that make music together cannot be enemies, at least as long as the music lasts." -- Paul Hindemith
>> On Jan 15, 2015, at 15:02, "R. Eric Sluder-W9WLW via TenTec" <tentec at contesting.com> wrote:
>> Hi John:
>> I appreciate your willingness to exercise free speech, and I feel honored we have such a privilege in this great country. However, I would like to provide some clarification around your unsubstantiated state of affairs report about Ten-Tec that you have decided to share with everyone. I obtained my information by simply contacting Ten-Tec and asking, and below is my interpretation of what was said to me. I share this out of respect to all Hams on this email reflector so they may understand the current state of business that I learned of, and in fairness to Ten-Tec who works hard to provide the radios we use. I do not intend to imply in anyway that what you say is, or is not correct, but instead only share the information that I have learned.
>> RMA
>> Ten-Tec implemented the RMA system to improve repair services. They did this because many times they would receive a radio with absolutely no information on it and what they need to fix. Customer calls later complaining... you get the picture. Nobody is happy because they spend hours trying to find out what needs done to the radio, and the customer spends unneeded time waiting on the radio. Now - you get an RMA number to return the radio and you can refer to that RMA number for any discussions with Ten-Tec about the radio.
>> Repair Dept.
>> Nobody has quit the repair department. Of course nobody can confirm or deny that someone wasn't having a bad day, but I am told repair operations are working quite well now - post transition to being a division R.F. Concepts , and of course the physical move to another building.
>> Leadership
>> Ten-Tec has a President/COO and a Senior Manager overseeing all operations at Sevierville location. If you do not believe me, then you are welcome to contact the most senior manager at Ten-Tec at 865-453-7172, or his email is, jhenry at tentec.com if you prefer that method of communication. That's right... John Henry is the most senior manager overseeing Ten-Tec. There is no local CEO there except when the 'one' presiding CEO visits. Why? One corporation doesn't need two CEO's. Instead, each division of R.F. Concepts has senior executives in charge. It sounds rather normal to me since I work for a corporation that has multiple business divisions and each division is assigned a senior executive accountable for that division.
>> So here is my challenge to anyone questioning the viability of Ten-Tec. Please ask a senior leader within the Ten-Tec organization. I have given you a phone number and an email to use so feel free to do so. John Henry kindly explained it to me and I am sharing it with you.
>> In closing, hang in there gang... Ten-Tec is still in business and I know this because I just checked. We may not hear from them daily, but it does not indicate there is a giant crater in the ground in Sevierville. I believe it means they are busy designing, building and selling radios.
>> Be well & 73,
>> -Eric
>> W9WLW
>> --------------------------------------------
>> On Wed, 1/14/15, John Rippey <w3uls73 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Subject: [TenTec] Ten-Tec service
>> To: tentec at contesting.com
>> Date: Wednesday, January 14, 2015, 7:58 PM
>> I spoke with a Ten-Tec service guy
>> some time back before the recent
>> move.I remarked on the red tape now imposed on customers
>> before
>> sending a rig in for service. He expressed guarded
>> unhappiness about
>> all the changes being imposed. Not a happy camper. Doubt if
>> he's still
>> there.
>> The "CEO" who took over for the long-time CEO left shortly
>> thereafter.
>> No "CEO" now, I guess. It appears everything now is being
>> directed by
>> the suits in Colorado. For my money, Ten-Tec risks
>> deteriorating into
>> just a brand, rather than maintaining its status as a
>> separate
>> stand-alone entity. This will be denied, I suspect, but my
>> sense is
>> that T-T's best days may be in the rear view mirror.
>> Cryptic,
>> unhelpful comments from the service department may well be
>> an early
>> indicator.
>> 73,
>> John, W3ULS
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