[TenTec] WTB Omni D or Corsair II

Silevitch, Michael m.silevitch at neu.edu
Wed Jan 21 21:48:55 EST 2015

Dear Jon

I do have an OMNI C with PS and VFO + two optional filters (1.8 and .5) that I might consider selling. 

A bonus would be if you could pick it up in the Boston area. I am thinking of asking $650 for this rig which was recently aligned.

    Mike K1PEV

Sent from my iPad

> On Jan 21, 2015, at 9:08 PM, JJ <drunkkennedy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am new to the list.  My name is Jon, WS1K and I am from Plymouth, MA.
> I have been wanting to try a Ten-Tec transceiver for a long time so
> I'm finally pulling the trigger.
> If anyone is looking to sell, I am interested in an Omni D-Series C or
> maybe a Corsair II.  CW filter(s) would be a bonus.
> Thanks and 73,
> Jon
> WS1K
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