[TenTec] Corsair 2 not stable on receive, 20 meters

Tim tim at sideswiper.plus.com
Thu Jan 22 08:41:39 EST 2015

Also had that problem some years ago; as far as I remember the pot is 
accessible from through the bottom cover.  I also thought it might be 
the pto, but researched the problem on line and found out about the 
offset pot.
On 21/01/2015 20:45, Bob Towers wrote:
> Dwight
> When I had my Corsair 2, I had a warble on a number of the HF bands. I 
> could clearly see it on PSK31 signals on the waterfall of MixW. I 
> rebuilt the PTO a number of times but it didn't cure the problem.
> Eventually it was traced to a dirty preset pot which set an offset 
> voltage on those bands. I can't remember the component reference, but 
> - if I remember right - it was the only one on the board and sat up at 
> right angles to the board. A squirt of switch cleaner did the trick.
> For you, this may be the cause of your problem. Anyway, if you can 
> find the offset pot, give it a squirt of switch cleaner and see what 
> happens!
> 73
> Bob Towers MM0RKT
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