[TenTec] Looks like company is fading away

Wade Staggs tvman1954 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 12:54:42 EST 2015

*Wouldn't it be nice to know what John Henry knows? Send me a private
E-mail there John H. I won't tell anybody! Yeah Right! Everybody would have
the news pretty quickly .. hi .. hi ... I just wouldn't be able to help

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 11:16 AM, John Henry <jhenry at tentec.com> wrote:

> We all know that in time all models will go away. We saw that unfortunately
> with the Orion then the Orion II. But, TEN-TEC as a brand is going strong.
> We have just had the most successful sale we have ever had. Sold more
> product than we ever have.
> We are hard at work on improving the factory process, ensuring product
> quality so that you always get the product that you have been accustomed to
> with TEN-TEC. Since we are shipping so many more products now than before,
> you will see reports of problems more frequent, but in reality, the quality
> record is better than it was before. A problem component here that affected
> a few rigs, a problem component there that affected a few others. Improper
> packaging, man that was a mistake. Had it been at the old ship rate, you
> would hear one person complain about a problem, then no one would confirm.
> But, all in all, we are getting compliments that the current rigs we are
> shipping are as good if not better "sounding" than the previous builds. We
> are improving many things, not just the factory output.
> Fading away? I don't think so.
> Getting better? I believe so.
> Bringing more things to the market in the coming year to years? I know so.
> Thanks, and 73,
> John Henry, KI4JPL
> TEN-TEC Engineering, a Division of RFConcepts LLC
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