[TenTec] 2800Hz filters in 9mHz slots?

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sun Jul 19 13:56:56 EDT 2015

On Sun,7/19/2015 10:02 AM, Barry N1EU wrote:
> Yes, it will improve transmit fidelity.

The words "improve transmit fidelity" in this context are mis-applied. 
This is ham radio, and our objective is COMMUNICATION, not wider audio 
bandwidth. Lower audio frequencies (below about 500 Hz) make almost no 
contribution to speech intelligibility, but burn almost half of transmit 
power. A smart ham will cut off those low frequencies to provide better 
"talk power."

I don't know who makes those filters, but the Elecraft filters come from 
Inrad. The stock Elecraft TX filter is 2.7 kHz, 5 poles. The "upgrade" 
is 2.8 kHz, 8 poles. The 2.8 kHz filter is flatter in the passband than 
the 2.7 KHz filter. The difference shows up in reduced incidental AM 
when transmitting RTTY and smoother audio response on SSB. I have 2.8 
kHz filters in my K3s.

73, Jim K9YC

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