[TenTec] TEN-TEC USB to Serial Converters

Clayton Brantley via TenTec tentec at contesting.com
Thu Mar 19 13:04:12 EDT 2015

John:  The TenTec serial to USB cable also works with CQRlog written for Linux withoutany problems.  I'm using it with my Omni VI+.  I had problems getting it to work with theWindows XP, but Linux just found it and works great!
Clayton N4EV

      From: John Henry <jhenry at tentec.com>
 To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com> 
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 12:51 PM
 Subject: [TenTec] TEN-TEC USB to Serial Converters
TEN-TEC - for the Eagle, there is no USB to Serial converter cable required.
It is a standard AB USB cable that plugs directly from the PC to the Eagle
(same as Argonaut VI).
The CPU (PIC chip) in the Eagle and the Argonaut VI performs the USB to
serial converter that does require a specific driver, different than the
standard 317 USB to Serial converter.

For all DB9 serial radios, (or DB25 for those that also have DB25 to DB9
converters) TEN-TEC sells a model 317 that utilizes it's own driver, works
with Windows XP through 8.1 no problems.
This cable is supported by TEN-TEC and RT Systems. RT Systems is a ham
owned/engineered company that provides all kinds of cables for other rigs
and programs to program them as well.
Very reliable, Very good, VERY good track record on working on just about

Both methods show the rigs as COM ports.
Meaning, both methods will work with serial port CAT programs such as N4PY,
HRD, N1MM, TRX-Manager, etc., etc. All they look for is a com port, so,
Eagles/Argonaut VIs/OMNI-VIIs/Orions/etc all work (providing the CAT
program supports the rig)
I have created the Omnirig interface file for the Eagle/Argonaut VI so they
work with WinTest and other programs that use the Omnirig.ini files.

Thanks, and 73,
John Henry, KI4JPL
TEN-TEC Engineering, a Division of RFConcepts LLC
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TenTec at contesting.com


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