[TenTec] TT Synthesizer Accuracy (Orion 2)

Mark Kenward k8vf_mark at centurytel.net
Thu Nov 12 20:25:29 EST 2015

I am not an expert on this, by any means, but I have set up a few TT.  NOT Orions, however, but I find similar results as you.

I will now ramble.

First did you check Bfo frequencies for USB and LSB(if it is even possible on Orion?)

On Paragon II(PLL rig)   and Omni 6 option 3(PLL/hybrid)  with reference oscillator set spot on, and bfo's set per spec-all done at 14.1 mHz per manual- the USB and LSB tones on WWV can not be the same. 

In most cases they are off by about 30 -40 cycles from each other.

My newer Eagle is off by about the same amount.  It has never been opened up.

On the P II, I tried setting USB and LSB tones the same, and frequency readouts were off from known receive freqs.

I tried beating the side tone oscillator against cw offset freq on 10 mHz WWV . (P II and Omni 6)Got it to within a cycle.  Freq readouts were off just a bit.

On the P II, about the best you can do is to set BFO'S, and Ref Oscillator and you will be dead on at 14 mHz, and 10-30 Hz off at 160 meters and 10 meters, in opposite directions-of course.

Bob W4TAX may jump in on this, as he knows these rigs better than anyone I know, but this is what I experience.

With my 20 year old rigs, I am finding that the transmit passband filter (9 mHz #220) is not symetrical as well. Transmit audio is on freq, but USB is more bassy than LSB which is higher pitched.(multiple rigs)

BTW, on my ftdx 5000 made in 2012, the LSB USB tones on wwv are about 20-30 hz different, too.

Perhaps it is the shapes of the filters which cause this, I do not know?

I would love to try aN INRAD #756 filter if anyone has one for sale.

Best of luck

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