[TenTec] Ten Tec Jupiter ft panel switches

Arthur Lewis wa8vsj at gmail.com
Sat Nov 14 21:40:09 EST 2015

*I ordered the Multi control for my Jupiter 538 from TT and they sent it in
a few days. It was  fine and I installed it without any problems. I would
at least call them and see if the switch you want is in stock. BTW; The
price was reasonable. *

*Art WA8VSJ*

On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 2:46 PM, John Struemph <oldcomputech at comcast.net>

> Does anyone have a line on replacement front panel button switches for a
> Ten Tec 538 Jupiter? I am a little leary of ordering anything from the
> factory not sending the old girl in for service at present.
> Thanks and 73 - K1JHS
> Sent from my iPhone
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