[TenTec] pressurized hood/cabinet for hf gear?

Reed Krenn reed.krenn at gmail.com
Sun Oct 25 14:15:44 EDT 2015

You might try one of the laptop PC coolers. They normally are placed under
the PC, but I can't see any reason why one couldn't be used inverted on top
of the rig. Most are USB powered, so you'll need a USB wall wart or other
5V source.

Reed / WW3A
On Oct 25, 2015 2:03 PM, "denton sprague" <denton at oregontrail.net> wrote:

> thinking of making a prototype hood that will sit on top of my TT orion
> and omni 7 rigs…something with a fan in the middle and would direct air
> flow through the top vents of the rig.
> Want to be able to put a bit of foam a/c fiter on top of the fan to keep
> the dust bunnies out of the rigs.
> Anyone done this before?
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