[TenTec] Corsair I refurb project

Bill ACITO, W1PA w1pa at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 26 10:54:09 EDT 2015

Number 1 is fixed.  As pointed out/suggested – loose crystals.  I should have know this from my Omni-A/D/C experience.

>>No RX 160 and 80: freq counter bounces around on  0.180 to 0.190 Mhz on these bands. 
>>I assume I should be looking at the wafer switches and oscillators? All other bands are fine on RX.
Now on to #2:
On transmit I see no power, and no current draw.
What’s the best way to diagnose the PA module?  Voltage checks on the transistors themselves? 
Check the bias circuit? Should I just replace all four?
Has anyone successfully substituted for the MRF-458’s, and if so, what did you use?
Do any other rigs use the same PA module (80565) that I can swap with?  the 561 Corsair II? 

>>No power out on TX -- zero.  Scope says I have good output from the 
>>low-level driver board, which changes with the drive control. Do the finals fail open? 
>>Do they both go together?  
>>Any easy way to check if it's the drivers or the actual finals in the PA module?  
>>I also read that there was a common T/R diode fail that impacted ALC? 
>>What were the symptoms of this fail?

Bill W1PA 

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