[TenTec] OT: New Bleeding-Edge Antenna Technology

Tony va3dwi at gmail.com
Sat Apr 2 15:03:16 EDT 2016

When I built my first, rock bound FT-243 xtal, 2 mtr transmitter with a 6360 final, I made a tuning load by soldering‎ a small wire loop to a light bulb taken from my bicycle light. I stuck it close to the tank coil and tuned the TX for maximum brightness. I could work every ham in town with no antenna attached.
73, Tony VE3DWI.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Bell network.
  Original Message  
From: Wade Staggs
Sent: Saturday, April 2, 2016 14:48
To: Clayton Brantley
Reply To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Cc: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] OT: New Bleeding-Edge Antenna Technology

*Clayton and the Group,*
* Many are too young and don't
remember separate receivers and transmitters. One evening in Rockford, Ill.
I was loading my Johnson transmitter into a 150 watt dummy load ( light
bulb.)** The coax was draped across the back of a wooden kitchen chair and
the light bulb just hanging down. Can you imagine my surprise when a
station in New Mexico gave me a hard time about transmitting garbage on the
air? After about 10 minutes of conversation with him and many apologies, I
hooked the antenna up to make an already good signal to him much better. We
were strictly CW back then and didn't even own a microphone. After a few
minutes thought. I think we remember where the old J-38 key is today? I
still get CW Repeater ID's right after about the third round. Just
wondering if we could even do Five WPM these many years later? The Horse
Fence wire is five to seven stainless steel wires in a flat ribbon
configuration. Several folks here in Tennessee swear by them. Of course we
also have one friend who spent the Big Money for an Ameritron Amp with two
3-500z tubes. With 15 acres of real estate, we can't convince him that he
would hear much better and do a much better all around job, if he were to
scrap his G5RV and get a much more efficient antenna for 80/75 meters. The
G5RV is a great compromise antenna but, why not use better, if you own the
real estate to do so? I was a Ham for ten years before we ever owned an SWR
Bridge. hi .. hi ...*
73 Wade/KJ4WS*

On Sat, Apr 2, 2016 at 10:19 AM, Clayton Brantley <clayton_n4ev at yahoo.com>

> Wade, I am not up-to-speed on this new antenna theory but I do remember a
> friend making a broadband
> 75 meter inverted v with hog wire. The best I remember, it was about 1
> foot wide and supported with a
> 60 to 70 foot power pole on his back lot. It did work fairly well but
> never heard too much more. Might
> ask Bill the next time you hear him (WA4YPO) or his son John (N4QEA) on
> one of the nets. John might
> not remember too much since he was fairly young at the time.
> I also remember my uncle telling folks he was "running 5 watts to the
> screen door". Those old tube transmitters
> would almost tune anything. I miss those days, sigh. Now then, you
> almost need a tuner with a dummy load!
> I see nothing wrong with loading up a barbed wire fence, just be sure to
> turn off the charger! I have thought of
> loading up the railroad trace behind our house to work the new LF bands.
> Clayton N4EV
> --------------------------------------------
> On Sat, 4/2/16, Wade Staggs <tvman1954 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] OT: New Bleeding-Edge Antenna Technology
> To: "Clayton Brantley" <clayton_n4ev at yahoo.com>, "Discussion of Ten-Tec
> Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
> Date: Saturday, April 2, 2016, 9:46 AM
> My contacts on this type
> antenna would be direct and to the point. Probably with a
> few Barbs thrown in at times. But, you never know? This new
> design is certainly on the cutting edge of technology. The
> antenna itself would most likely kill the old cows dreams of
> jumping over the moon. This would leave the cat and the
> fiddle to diddle diddle quite a bit more. This new antenna
> design is most certainly Not for the birds! Having seen and
> heard of the Horse Fence Antenna, I would just bet that we
> will hear someone bragging about just how good their Cow
> Fence Antenna works very soon. Could this antenna be the
> reason that so many Dragons need
> Re-Balling??
> Best 73 to All
> Wade/KJ4WS
> On Sat, Apr 2, 2016 at 8:00
> AM, Clayton Brantley via TenTec <tentec at contesting.com>
> wrote:
> No, not a
> pentode, 5Y3GT is really a dual diode similar to the
> mentioned 5U4GB mentioned in
> a previous email. HI
> Clayton N4EV
> --------------------------------------------
> On Sat, 4/2/16, rick at dj0ip.de
> <Rick at DJ0IP.de> wrote:
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] OT: New Bleeding-Edge Antenna
> Technology
> To: "'Clayton Brantley'" <clayton_n4ev at yahoo.com>,
> "'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'" <tentec at contesting.com>
> Date: Saturday, April 2, 2016, 3:21 AM
> Clayton, you say you
> talked to a Pentode?
> 73 -
> Rick, DJ0IP
> (Nr. Frankfurt, Germany)
> -----Original
> Message-----
> I worked
> "5Y3GT" back in the early 60's.
> Don't
> know what he was running, but signal was rather
> raspy.
> Clayton N4EV
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> --
> Living one day at a time with Jesus
> as my Savior. But, still having
> Fun.

*Living one day at a time with Jesus as my Savior. But, still having Fun.*
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