[TenTec] Come On Guys

Gary J FollettDukes HiFi dukeshifi at comcast.net
Sun Apr 24 13:49:20 EDT 2016

Back to something more topic-related:

I have an Argonaut 5 that is, perhaps, the least repairable radio even built.

I can’t believe that the same design team that gave us the Orion (the MOST repairable radio ever produced, IMHO) could have produced this disaster.

I am at the point of parting it out.

Here is what works:

1) Display
2) Logic board
3) Power amp

The analog board receives well and the radio makes a nifty receiver.

In transmit, the thing puts out about 8 watts with a frequency of about 4 MHz regardless of the band switch setting and has severe distortion (lots of peaks on the spectrum analyzer).

The circuitry past the 450 KHz filter from the DSP is oscillating to produce this output at the antenna connector. (I have already done the obvious, replacing all of the little electrolytic caps on the board.)

My hesitance to pursue it further stems from the fact that a previous person attempted to correct the problems and left enough things out of sorts as to foil logical troubleshooting.

To make matters worse, it would appear that Ten Tec had about 6 people drawing up different parts of the schematic and not one of them knew the telephone number of any of the others.

The result is a schematic that is a hodgepodge mess, part of it readable, part not, not sell-consistent and completely impossible to link in a unified drawing such as I made for the Collins KWM-2 (and published).

I have too much to do to try to make cable fixtures to allow troubleshooting this thing with the analog board on the desktop. If one had these three cables, the process would not be TOO bad…

I first offer this complete for $300. Cosmetically near perfection.

If no interest, then let me know what parts you need and I will part it out.



> On Apr 24, 2016, at 12:33 PM, Wade Staggs <tvman1954 at gmail.com> wrote:
> *Sorry folks,*
> *                      I was just engaging in light hearted humor. We
> surely didn't want to confuse anyone. And as for our reluctance to change
> over to the Metric system? People in Great Britain, still use the term/unit
> .. Stone .. to describe their weight. How old is that standard? I must now
> go outside and open the SWR Drain on my Coax. It's been creeping up lately.
> We sure are having beautiful weather today in Tennessee. What a beautiful
> day to finally rebuild the carburetor on my Antique Snapper riding mower.
> The Ten Tec Group is still the best. *
> *                                                   73 as always de
> Wade/KJ4WS*
> On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 12:05 PM, Wes Attaway (N5WA) <
> wes at attawayforensics.com> wrote:
>> He's probably just an "older" guy, like me, who grew up using two
>> systems.  He probably just makes all the necessary conversions in his head
>> while he types (or talks).  You just have to get used to it.
>> On 2016-04-24 10:25, Gary J FollettDukes HiFi wrote:
>>> I am curious as to why one would want to commit to a mix of units like
>>> Kg weight, then PSI for pressure.
>>> “KC” as a unit of frequency has been off the table for about 35 years or
>>> so...
>>> That makes as much sense as Congress's selection for auto emission
>>> standards as being stated in grams per mile! Only a politician could
>>> come up with anything as nonsensical as that!!!
>>> Gary
>>> BTW - Torque, in the BSA standard, is in Foot-Pounds or Ounce-Inches,
>>> not “Pounds”.
>>> On Apr 24, 2016, at 11:17 AM, Paul Littleton <ka5biw at swcp.com> wrote:
>>>> As an engineer and a proponent of SI, I am picky about units. However, I
>>>> prefer to help people before I give them a hard time about units. From Dr.
>>>> Nolan's call, I assume that he has contributed to amateur radio for awhile
>>>> as well as healing critters. Let's help by answering his question and then
>>>> commenting about kg weight, kc frequency, pounds of pressure, pounds of
>>>> torque, etc.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Paul
>>>> tapped out on an iPad
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> -- 
> *Living one day at a time with Jesus as my Savior. But, still having Fun.*
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