[TenTec] Parts for sale
Gary J FollettDukes HiFi
dukeshifi at comcast.net
Fri Apr 29 10:27:04 EDT 2016
I have a Paragon I am considering parting out.
I need a good start. I tunes the same end caps.
I am not trying to get rich on it but the last pair I had went for $50 since they are no longer available from TT. That would be shipped price.
Let m know if this works for you.
> On Apr 29, 2016, at 6:23 AM, Wade Staggs <tvman1954 at gmail.com> wrote:
> *Hello Mark,*
> * About 2 years ago, I repaired an Omni Six for a
> very good friend. When it came time to assemble it for return shipping,
> both of the plastic end caps or trim pieces that slide in between the front
> panel and chassis were missing. Since he was a good friend and the job was
> a Freebee. He never complained after my very serious apology. If you have
> them and would sell me both of those trim pieces for the front panel at a
> reasonable price? It sure would be nice to surprise him with them. After 35
> years in the repair business, this is the first time anything like this has
> happened to me. Except for the 19" TV that the dumpster by mistake once.
> The boss wasn't happy about that.... And I was the boss. But to this day,
> the black hole which sometimes appears here in the shack. Has not spit
> those Omni Six trim pieces back out. *
> * 73
> from Wade/KJ4Ws*
> On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 6:06 AM, Mark Flavin N5MF <n5mf at dfn.com> wrote:
>> I have a lot of tentec parts I need to sell. I have parts for the OMNI VI,
>> and some for Paragon and others.
>> I have boards, chassis, tops , bottoms and other hardware as well as
>> boards. Contact me of list at n5mf at dfn.com if you have any needs and Ill
>> let you know if I have it. Just give me a description or board number and
>> I will let you know. Ill try and get a list together but been busy.
>> I am transferring soon and my wife is not well so I need to downsize
>> before the move.
>> Thanks
>> Mark
>> N5MF
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