[TenTec] Sherwood Report Orion 1 and 2

terry foskey n5tf at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 29 16:26:53 EDT 2016

Thanks Paul for the kind note and I also apologize.  After all the firmware upgrades the Orion turned into a great radio.  I have an ICOM 7800 and honestly for ease of operation and ability to hear weak signals,Tentec created a very competitive radio and it's almost 12 years old!  I hope they survive their current crisis and perhaps look at producting an Orion 3 using the Eagle receiver boards with a panadapter and a video output....  I appreciate your response very much.
Your Brother in Christ,

      From: Paul Gates <kd3jf.paulgates at gmail.com>
 To: terry foskey <n5tf at yahoo.com>; Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com> 
 Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 9:26 AM
 Subject: Re: [TenTec] Sherwood Report Orion 1 and 2
Terry I apologize for being rude to you. But when the O1 first came out it was terrible with all the complaints. Not one good word was mentioned on the Reflector. That was all I was saying. I am not an engineer of any type. I was a Pastor for 50 years and got my first license in 1961. I am 85 years old now.
I have no opinion, I was just relating what I experienced. I had many different TenTec radios during the 70s and 80s. At present I have a Delta that was manufactured in 1979 and it suits me fine. I have never had to have it repaired. I had it checked up in 2010.
I was a volunteer at the Smithonian at the American History Museum a few years ago in Washington, DC when they had a Ham station. There I operated a Omni 6 and enjoyed that. I got my Extra Class license when I was 71 years old.Have a good weekend.
Paul, KW4BD
On Thursday, April 28, 2016, terry foskey via TenTec <tentec at contesting.com> wrote:


Both Barry and I among many others here have owned both of the Orions.  Both are very close in performance with perhaps a slight edge on receiver characteristics on the Orion 2.  Gary  recently took ownership of my Orion 2.  I have owned and operated them side by side for a good period of time. I agree with Barry the difference is neglible.  Since you seem to have a definitive opinion, how about providing some specifics to support your assertion that my opinion i is not worth much - to use your sophisticated vernacular?  I will tell you this in advance, most user issues with the Orion, are due to the lack of operating knowledge of radios and the Orion specifically.  Let me explain, one must understand the purpose of RF Gain, AGC, Preamp, Filters, etc. - in simple English - The Radio needs a competent driver in order to produce the full potential.  For someone that is competent it is one of the best user interface radios I have ever operated - clever receiver/transmitter to antenna interface, excellent VFO interface, etc.    I await your specific critique so that we may continue this conversation......

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