[TenTec] Really?

Joe kx4jr at att.net
Mon Aug 15 18:28:33 EDT 2016

Tnx, Rick.....

Really appreciate ur email (below).  Nothing else to be said...

Again, Tnx & 73


On 8/15/2016 18:13, rick at dj0ip.de wrote:
> Tim, you are right (only) about the 7300.  Most hams will not have a problem
> with the 7300 because they do not operate in the environment where they
> would get this problem.
> Even if they do come to a big pile up in a contest where the radio tends to
> overload, most operators prefer to quickly spin the VFO and move on.  I
> choose to dive down into the mess with my Eagle and work whoever is causing
> the pile up.
> Understanding our radios, where they are good and where they have
> deficiencies, is part of the due diligence we all should be doing BEFORE we
> purchase.  We know how we operate, know which features we want and we should
> buy whatever fits best - not what people are over-hyping.
> There is no perfect radio, nothing comes close if we want it to do
> everything.  They all have strengths and weaknesses.
> But if we can identify one that best fits our needs, it is close to being a
> perfect radio for us.
> Some of you politically correct people out there may find it "trashing a
> radio" when we point out deficiencies, but I believe we are helping free
> thinking hams to make more intelligent decisions about which radio fits
> his/her needs best.
> I have recommended the IC-7300 to lots of people.  I think it is a great
> radio, a game changer indeed but you guys who think it is a serious contest
> radio apparently aren't serious contesters.
> If someone asks my opinion of what (new) contest radio to buy, my first
> reply is a "K3S if you can afford it", or else a TS-590SG.  The best bang
> for the buck is a used ORION I.
> As to the transmitter noise problem Tim, we have terrible trouble with dirty
> transmitters on our bands, especially when they drive linear amplifiers.  If
> we hams don't speak up and keep pointing this out, they will never get them
> fixed.
> The only reason our receivers got to be so good is that we were all focused
> on the work Rob Sherwood and Adam Farson are doing.  The OEMs took noticed
> and cleaned up their receivers.
> We CAN accomplish the same thing with our transmitters if we ALL start
> pointing out the dirty radios on the band. Yasue is at the top of the dirty
> transmitter list.  There are lists/charts, etc., mostly based on ARRL lab
> measurements.
> I hope some of you guys join in and help.
> As long as the OEMs continue to read comments like Tims, they will just sit
> back and laugh at us while they take our money to the bank.
> Sorry Tim, it's not personal but dirty transmitters is a very HOT button
> with me.
> At my last QTH we had 3 hams on the same block and one had a very dirty
> Kenwood.
> It was hard to operate whenever he was on the air on any band.
> 73 - Rick, DJ0IP
> (Nr. Frankfurt, Germany)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Tim Cook
> Sent: Monday, August 15, 2016 11:12 PM
> To: TenTec at contesting.com
> Subject: [TenTec] Really?
> Seems like the last several posts have been about Flex, Icom, dirty
> transmitters and little to nothing about Ten Tec and its future,  are they
> really still in business other than providing  service?
> In today's market if you want ANY bells and whistles  $1500 IS an entry
> level radio, like it or not.
> Comparing the 7300 to the Flex 6700 ,6500 or similarly equipped K3S is
> ludicrous . There ARE many amateurs who live outside of Europe and who don't
> have  contesters  or Dx'er neighbors in close proximity, in which case I
> submit  the  "overload" problems really aren't apparent or a concern for the
> large majority of hams.. It may occur, but not to the degree some would like
> to portray (use RF gain like in days gone by?)  in order to promote their
> favorite radio of the day. Most modest (normal) stations that don't have
> huge contesters or dx'ers living next door and don't have stacked array's at
> 90 feet (probably the majority of the hams)  will rarely if ever see any
> overload issues. If you do then the 7300 may not be for you, simple as that,
> buy a Flex or Elecraft or the radio of your choice.
> As far as dirty transmitters, if the manufacturers are meeting FCC
> requirements in order to sell in the US who is at  fault or to blame?  It is
> business after all.
> This is a Ten Tec list and my interest as a long tine Ten Tec fan  is
> whether OR NOT Ten Tec will actually produce a new and different radio and
> not a rehashed version of a 10+ year old design. I would like to see some
> real progress, but I'm not holding my breath.
> Tim
> NZ8J
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