[TenTec] TT Orion 2 and inrad 2400 hrz ssb filter?

Barry N1EU barry.n1eu at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 21:13:11 EDT 2016

Makes no sense to me.  What was your thinking behind that plan?  Maybe I'm
missing something, but the radio will work exactly the same with or without
 a 2400hz filter in the 1800hz slot.  There's no cascading in the Orion2 if
that was the thinking behind it.

73, Barry N1EU

On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 12:39 AM, denton sprague <denton at oregontrail.net>

> I finally ordered an Inrad 2400 ssb filter for my Orion 2….will use it in
> the vacant 1800 hrz slot. Will be interesting to hear the difference in
> performance.
> Any comments?
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