[TenTec] Too BIG to FAIL ! KODAK

bill NY9H ny9h at arrl.net
Tue Jan 5 13:17:51 EST 2016

At 10:37 AM 1/5/2016, you wrote:
>On 1/5/2016 5:32 PM, Peter Frenning [OZ1PIF] wrote:
>>Think Kodak! Tjust because it failed to adapt to a new technology!
>Actually it was worse than that. Kodak was an early adopter of 
>digital photography. Maybe too early. The market was not ready for 
>their products, and when it was they were unable to change mid-stream.

Kodak MERELY private labeled the Chinon camera,,,, and competed with 
Chinon..... later they bought all the production of a newer smaller Chinon.
and bought a major stake in 97.
That really sucks when your company is a rep company for Chinon,
and the day after the Chinon sales meeting introducing the new camera,
they say  OOPS  sorry  you are all fired.    NO KODAK technology investment.


>Geoffrey S. Mendelson 4X1GM/N3OWJ
>Jerusalem Israel.
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