[TenTec] Service

Barry N1EU barry.n1eu at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 05:59:11 EST 2016

I hate whiners, and with that I'm going to whine  ;-)

<begin whine>
I'm hoping we don't need to go on and on and on and on about how much the
new Ten-Tec is or isn't charging for service and all kinds of other stuff
we don't know yet about the service that will be provided.  It will be what
it will be.  You will be free to be a customer of Ten-Tec service, a
customer of some independent servicer, or to fix it yourself with or
without paid or unpaid help from Ten-Tec service.  Enough already.  We
don't need to hear every single person's individual take or experience on
this, that or the other thing or their good or bad experience with Ten-Tec
service in the past.
<end whine>

This reflector will continue to be here with lots of great folks to lend a
hand or give advice when a specific need arises.

73, Barry N1EU

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