[TenTec] Pimp My Eagle

Mike Bryce prosolar at sssnet.com
Thu Jan 7 16:45:27 EST 2016

Boys and girls 

All the "I want" sound amazing. 

But there are a few items that no one has mentioned that Ten Tec should do. 

Fit and finish. 

My friend has an eagle and the silkscreen is crooked and looks like the work was done in a high school art department. 

My Argonaut VI ( currently broke) knobs are so cheap looking sometimes I wonder who okayed that design. You turn the front knob and the back one moves, too. That's a radio that sells for $999. 

The Omni VII I has to be  the best looking as far as fit and finish of the newer rigs. I'd throw that rig against any import. 

I recently purchased a Yaesu ft-450D. As far as the fit and finish of this radio, the Argonaut VI is an embarrassment. 

Oh, don't tell me about how much better the argonaut is, etc... The bottom line is the Yaesu will get you on the air in all modes and all bands for brand new out of the box price for $649 ($100 rebate included)

With all the wants on the list, dual screens, DSP up the kazoo, ten VFOs and a spectrum analyzer  thrown in, if the knobs don't fit on the controls and main tunning knob wobbles when you spin it....

That's my take. 

Mike wb8vge

Sent from my iPhone


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