[TenTec] 3.1 KHz IF Filter for 2nd IF in Omni 6

Gary J FollettDukes HiFi dukeshifi at comcast.net
Sat Jan 9 22:05:05 EST 2016

I bit the bullet and took the entire bottom cover off.

I found that there is also a custom 3.1 KHz filter in the number 1 position in the first IF (9 MHz)! This is also an 8 pole filter with the IF cans on board to tailor response. It is equally well made as the second IF filter is well made.

I’ll report tomorrow on how the radio sounds with quiet band conditions and also get a transmitted SSB audio report. I may have found the Omni 6 of my dreams!

I have always hated the SSB sound of the omni 6 (all variations). 

I contacted the fellow from whom I got this and he informed me that the original owner of this radio had these filters custom made for a cost of over $1000. I sill do not know what company made them but they are top quality all the way.

Apparently that fellow hated the sound of the Omni 6 as much as I doubt had the resources to take corrective action.

Hopefully these filters will offer some relief as the overall design of the Omni 6 is one of my favorites over any other radio design. 

It’s also on of the prettiest radios going.


> On Jan 9, 2016, at 8:17 PM, Mark S. Holden <mark at holden-insurance.com> wrote:
> On 1/9/2016 8:32 PM, Gary J FollettDukes HiFi wrote:
>> I have a 3.1 KHz bandwidth filter in one of my Omni 6+ radios. It fits perfectly into the TenTec socket and was obviously made for the en Tec. However, it looks unlike any filter I havee ever seen in ANY Ten Tec product.
>> It is an 8 pole filter but it also had four small IF transformers on it, presumably to tailor the passband shape.
>> Has anyone heard of this filter? Does any know who made it? It is too perfect to have been a home brew job. It is built on thicker board stock than that used for most Ten Tec filters.
>> I would assume that its intent is to improve received audio in SSB. I am going to try it in a few minutes to see what the radio sounds like compared with the others.
>> Gary
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> I'd expect that to be a fun filter for rag chewing.
> My Harris RF-550 rx has a 3.24khz crystal filter that's incredible for SWL.  I also installed some crystal filters intended for the Racal 6790gm in my AOR 7030+
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