[TenTec] Mobile

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Sun Jan 10 14:41:32 EST 2016

Hi John Henry and everyone, 

Although I don't currently own a TEN-TEC transceiver, I have had a few of
the older ones. (Argonaut, Argosy II 525D, 20m>6m xvtr (built from a kit) )

I have been watching literally for YEARS for TEN-TEC to come out with a
mobile or very small portable rig, so I can buy one (even at our reduced
exchange rate) and put it in the car or take camping etc.

I was going to buy one of the latest ones, but w/o 12m capability and some
other stuff, it was a deal breaker.

Basic functions, 100w (adjustable), 160m-6m, int. tuner and ability to do
some basic computer control  with N1MM+ (etc.) would be awesome.  I don't
need menu's and submenus ad naseum.

As one who has been running mobile since I bolted a HW-101 under the dash of
my Ford Escort wagon in the early 80's......I haven't seen a good one from
TT yet.

I do have a FT-857D in the car, but would rather buy a TEN-TEC
!..........someday ;-D

Mike VE9AA/m

Mike, Coreen & Corey
Keswick Ridge, NB

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