[TenTec] Mobile

Lee lee at wa3fiy.com
Wed Jan 13 16:08:50 EST 2016

  Ah YES, an Argosy 3 or is that Argosy III?   Something I hoped Ten Tec 
would do for many years.  I'd keep it at 50 bullet proof watts ( any SWR 
at full power with no damage and no power reduction) and an internal 
antenna tuner.  Keep the other features and performance of the Argonaut 

I have a sort-of Argosy II and a half with my Argonaut VI and Hardrock 
50/AT.  I call the amplifier Jason, so my rig is "Jason and the 
Argonaut".   Well....my kids like the name  :-).  I'm still working 
through the fine points of integration but it's looking good.   The 
radio performance of the Argonaut is hard to beat and Jason adds useful 
power and an automatic antenna tuner.  The Argonaut especially is 
battery friendly which is important.  Jason is a bullet proof 50 watts 
and is good for QSK to 20 wpm stock and has a QSK option if wanted.  It 
is amazing how often I use only the 10 watts and have Jason turned off; 
no parasitic battery drain at all.  When I need the antenna tuner I turn 
Jason on but in bypass (QRP) mode and the tuner is in line.  Adds a 
little extra current load but not much.  Perhaps some day TT could 
update the 418 to include and antenna tuner that works even when the amp 
itself is bypassed.  That would be sweet.  But I know they currently 
have other priorities which make sense.

I sure hope TT brings the Argonaut VI back on line.  It should be pretty 
easy I think with so much similarity in bill of material to the Eagle.  
The Argonaut is a really sweet radio.




------ Original Message ------
From: "Ron Notarius W3WN" <wn3vaw at verizon.net>
To: tentec at contesting.com
Sent: 1/13/2016 11:40:18 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Mobile

>  If I were designing an HF mobile rig today...
>Now if this ended up being a 10 W (base) rig, it could be the next 
>iteration of the Argonaut.  If it ended up being higher output, and if 
>the Argonaut VI goes back into production (either as is or as a "6+" 
>with some improvements - and 12 meters), I'd resurrect another name 
>from the past, from a rig that deserved better than it got in it's 
>time:  I'd call it the Argosy 3.
>That's what I'd want to do.  But since I don't have any say in what's 
>coming up next, I can hope that someone in that position likes the 
>general idea, if not the specifics.
>73, ron w3wn

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