John Occhipinti k3ur at att.net
Sat Jan 23 10:21:49 EST 2016

Every few years we get an inch or two of snow on the ground here
in Metro Atlanta. The rain turned to snow overnight and the ground 
is covered as it continues to snow here, as of 10 AM ET.

Many of our Net Members live in areas where the snow will be very
deep with high winds and please take care of your family, your pets
and your house.

Amateur Radio is a hobby and we know that many of our TEN-TEC
nets will be affected by the weather and I fully understand.

The safety of you and your families are most important, so if you are
unable to check into any of our nets this weekend, do not feel that you
have let us down.

This is truly an Emergency situation and good and wise judgement is
so important.

Be safe and God bless and protect each of you and your dear families.

John D. Occhipinti, K3UR
Net Manager, ten_tec Amateur Radio Nets

QRZ Page:  http://www.qrz.com/db/k3ur

Group Owner, ten_tec Amateur Radio Net Group

SoundCloud:  https://soundcloud.com/john-occhipinti-k3ur/sets/brotherjohns-most-popular

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/john.occhipinti.14

You Tube:  https://www.youtube.com/my_videos?o=U

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