[TenTec] TenTec Corsair, Scout, Ant Tuner FS

Ken, W8EK kenw8ek at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 10:53:20 EDT 2016

TenTec 555 Scout and 560 Corsair,
plus 229 B Antenna Tuner For Sale:

TenTec Corsair 560 HF transceiver

Covers all HF bands 160 thru 10 meters, including the WARC
bands.  NO general coverage receiver, as the receiver is
optimized for the ham bands. Although it has superb SSB,
and also has the absolute best QSK CW available.  Many say
it has the best receiver made -- certainly in the top analog

This one works as it should with full power output and excellent
receive.  Cosmetically, it looks extremely nice.  I do not find
any scratches.

It has a plastic spiral bound manual that includes the regular
TenTec manual, plus a considerable amount of extra info from
the internet.

Buy this gem for only $350.

TenTec 263 remote VFO

The 263 is used with the TenTec Corsair (or Corsair II).  In
addition to the normal split operation, it also permits one
to receive on two frequencies simultaneously, and vary the
relative signal of the two frequencies.

This one works fine and looks great.  Again, no scratches.

With paper work for $175.

TenTec 288, 1800 Hz crystal filter

The 288 is used in the Corsair, as well as other TenTec rigs
such as the Paragon.  It is 1800 Hz wide, making it great for
narrow SSB, but it is also terrific for wide CW, and is ideal
for digital modes.

Of course it works fine. With paper work for $75.

Buy all three of the above for $575.


TenTec 555 "Scout" HF Transceiver:

The Scout is a relatively small 50 Watt output SSB and
CW HF Transceiver. It is simple and easy to operate,
but includes a CW electronic keyer, and of course TenTec's
legendary full break in QSK. It also has an innovative
"Jones filter" which has continuously variable bandwidth
from about 2500 Hz to 500 Hz. Individual "Band Modules"
are used to change bands, and to allow the operator to
choose only those bands he is interested in.

This particular Scout includes the optional 297 Noise Blanker,
and one band module of your choice. It works 100% and looks
extremely nice. You will need a magnifying glass to find any
scratches. Paper work and power cord also included for $325.

Band modules are available for 160, 80/75, 40, 30, 20, and
15 meters.
Extra band modules will be available after the Scout sells.

Model 700 Hand Mic. $35
Astron RS-20 A, 20 amp Power Supply:

The Astron RS-20 A is a very common power supply around
most ham shacks. It provides 13 V DC for many ham rigs.

Solid State Electronically Regulated
Fold-Back Current Limiting Protects Power Supply from
...excessive current & continuous shorted output
Crowbar Over Voltage Protection
Excellent Regulation & Low Ripple at low line input voltage.
Heavy Duty Heat Sink
Chassis Mount Fuse
Three Conductor Power Cord

Input Voltage 105-125Vac
Output Voltage 13.8Vdc (internally Adjustable 11-15V)
Ripple Less than 5mV peak-peak (full load & low line)
Continuous Duty 16 Amps; ICS 20 Amps
Size 5" x 9" x 10-1/2"

This particular supply works great. It only varies 0.01 Volts
with a load! Cosmetically it looks great.

With paper work for only $65.
TenTec 229 B HF Antenna Tuner For Sale:

This roller inductor tuner will handle full legal power.
It uses an "L" match instead of a "T" match, which means
there is only one spot that will give the correct match,
and is more efficient.

Wattmeter (200/2000 watts) is built in with an SWR bridge
and lighted meter, plus a 4 position antenna switch.

It can be used on any HF frequency, including the WARC
bands, as it is continuously adjustable. It has a built in
internal balun, so open wire can be used.

Cosmetically, this unit is the color of the Corsair I with
a sort of very dark chocolate brown (almost black) color,
although it can be used with any HF rig or legal limit amplifier.

This unit has had the problematic dial and elastic cord
changed to a turns counter for better reliability.

This particular unit functions 100%, and looks great.
I can not find a scratch on it. Paper work is included
for $300.
I also have many other accessories available such as many
different types of microphones, HTs, VHF and UHF rigs,
antennas, etc. Just too many things to list here.
Please e-mail your requests.

Prices do not include shipping from Florida.



Ken, W8EK

Ken Simpson
E-mail to W8EK at FLHam.net or W8EK at arrl.net
Voice Phone  (352) 732-8400

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