[TenTec] Tentec Repair Service.

Tony Trice ctonyt at prodigy.net
Wed Mar 2 10:47:32 EST 2016

John Henry wrote:
> Yes, TEN-TEC is still repairing product.
> BUT, they are extremely backlogged and it may take time for them to get to
> any given unit.
> It may also take time for them to answer an email, so, please be patient.
> I went by this last Friday and they are extremely busy, and very very hard
> at work, mainly in trying to catch up with servicing products, and with
> production runs of certain products.
> The ONLY way to contact them for now is the service at tentec dot com email
> address.
> In time, once they get caught up enough to handle incoming phone calls,
> they will publish the number.
> You have to understand, the problem is, they have had to make decisions on
> how to stay in business. A result of some of these decisions is that they
> are very backed up with repairs, and need to concentrate on getting the
> repairs done. TEN-TEC, when it's service number is published, will have a
> man working full time doing nothing but answering phone calls, all day,
> every day. This is due to the mindset of a lot of TEN-TEC customers in that
> TEN-TEC is not only the maker/reparier of my rig, but also my best friend
> that I can call to chitchat with as well. TEN-TEC customers have grown to
> expect that the service manager can spend an hour or two talking with him
> on the phone about the problem, how he liked his old corsair better than
> any other rig, why did TEN-TEC drop the pegasus, how come I get RF into my
> transmit, spend an hour trouble shooting grounding, etc. That can't be
> handled right now with the amount of staff and the amount of work they have
> to do. So, it may appear that TEN-TEC is not supporting customers by not
> having a phone for them to call, but, it is the complete opposite, they are
> trying to support customers who are following the process of emailing in
> for an RMA with the problem to get that rig handled properly, without tying
> up the man who should be trouble shooting that rig, on the phone for an
> hour. So, now, instead of the service interface being on the phone for 6
> hours a day talking on the phone and an hour handling emails and an hour
> repairing, he is now on the bench 7 hours a day repairing and on the bench
> doing air checks, then handling email for about an hour a day.
> Some days he can catch up on email, some days he can't, but, the items are
> coming off of backlog in repair and this is supported by many emails and
> posts from people who have stated they emailed in about a problem, got an
> email back in a couple of days with an RMA, then, some have posted about
> sending their rig in and got it back in a week or two and their experience
> was great.
> It is still possible with the volume of email that some may actually end up
> getting lost. If you don't hear in a week or two on an RMA, well, send in
> another email.
> But try to respect what TEN-TEC is trying to do, trying to stay in business
> and trying to support it's customers.
> So far, they are in a MUCH better financial situation than they have been
> in years, and with a bit more struggle, they will turn the company around
> and bring out fantastic new products (yes, I know, I am working on some
> now), and they will bring back to production some of the existing product
> line, when, won't tell.
> Mike Dishop still plans on being at Dayton, at least to show that
> Dishtronix, Emtron, TEN-TEC, and others to be... are still in business and
> still making progress towards newer better products.
> 73, KI4JPL
> John Henry
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Thank you for the info folks...I hope to get my rig back on the air soon..

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