[TenTec] Scout troubles

Allan Taylor k7gt.cw at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 12:54:04 EDT 2016

I am checking out a Scout that has been sitting around the shack of a local
OT ham with the idea of perhaps
purchasing it. I have not yet put it to a real antenna but did some
checking with a good dummy load and power meter.
On the upper bands (10,15, 20 and sometimes 30m) it will put out full power
for a while (dits on the keyer, for about 10-15 sec),
 then hesitate, signal goes kinda chirpy, then drop down to very low or nil
power. It seems to be rock solid on 3.5 and 7 MHz.
I did a quickie cleanup of the interface strip but it wasn't all that

I am not a electronics tech but can do a few obvious things. Any

73     Allan    K7GT

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