[TenTec] Service, overhead, and the future. A/K/A/ I've got my 2 cents!

rick@dj0ip.de Rick at DJ0IP.de
Mon Mar 14 17:40:25 EDT 2016

Hi Joe,

No, to the best of my knowledge none of the testers has one yet.
I was speaking with Rob and Adam last week and they were both expecting to
get a radio later this month.

Tnx for the scoop on the LNR.  I was wondering along the lines of how it is
built, what kind of BPFs, what kind of mixer, etc.  The clunky relay keying
is unnecessary.  And audio filters on CW - man that's so 1970's!  

>From the picture it looks like the LD-5 has a 6 pole 9 MHz filter.  Too bad
it doesn't have a xtal CW filter.  Or do they do something like the Ten-Tec
Jones filter (which Elecraft copied in the K2)?

I guess it's all a matter of cost.  You get what you pay for.

I want to do a bit more SOTA.  Only went once so far.
My Scout is a bit too heavy and over-powered, but the FT-817 just isn't
enough radio for me.
I'm looking for something in between.  I'd like to see a 10w or 20w radio
with a good RX.
I want it to have both SSB and CW.

73 - Rick, DJ0IP
(Nr. Frankfurt, Germany)

-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Joe W2KJ
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 10:28 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Service, overhead, and the future. A/K/A/ I've got my
2 cents!

Howdy Rick:

Do have tech numbers on the RX performance of the 7300, like IP3, BDR, etc??

I haven't seen any yet....waiting for an ARRL Lab review.

Any info appreciated.

BTW:  I got some input from an LNR LD5 transceiver owner...it's FB for SSB
but kinda clunky for CW...uses a relay that is annoying  to the ear and it
doesn't have full QSK.

The ARRL Lab review pointed out several warts the rig has in its DNA

The FX4A doesn't have a CW filter...they sell an audio filter kit from 4SQRP
to use outboard with the radio.

I had an MTR rig that I built but wasn't impressed.

The MTR5b from Steve, KD1JV is a much better radio...believe LNR is going to
offer it some time this year.

			73, Joe W2KJ

On Mar 14, 2016, at 5:13 PM, rick at dj0ip.de wrote:

> Hate to burst your bubble but the 7300's receiver is not in the same 
> league as the Eagle.
> I think it will be a killer of a radio for those who want an good, 
> modern entry level radio that can do everything, has band scope, 
> tuner, etc., but it does not have a contest grade receiver.
> The FDM-Duo is a nice rig, looks like a Ferrari, but the radio doesn't 
> even have any bandpass filters for the ham bands.  If you want to use 
> it for serious stuff, you'll need a preselector.
> I would like to learn more about the technology used in the LNR QRP
> They look nice but so do lots of mediocre radios.
> 73 - Rick, DJ0IP
> (Nr. Frankfurt, Germany)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Katz 
> Ajamas
> Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 5:44 PM
> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
> Subject: [TenTec] Service, overhead, and the future. A/K/A/ I've got 
> my 2 cents!
> Personally, I'd prefer service NOT be included in overhead. I don't 
> want to pay more for something in order to subsidize those who desire 
> or require service that I do not. Give me a 90 day(sufficient to catch 
> infant
> mortality) warranty, accurate documentation, and charge me what it 
> takes to provide good service if/when I need it. Offering a discounted 
> extended warranty for a price and offering a block of telephone 
> support time, for a price and letting the customer decide should make
everyone happy.
> A revised Omni, Eagle, or Argonaut has got some pretty stiff 
> competition already. The Icom IC7300 and the Elad FDM-Duo at $1500 and 
> $1150 are both very attractive. LNR has a portable that, IMHO, is 
> every bit as good as the
> KX3 and it's $575. With this sort of competition, taking a different 
> approach to service could become a serious competitive edge for the new
> Radio wise, I've been working on the antenna farm in between nursing 
> work and moving my motorbike/radio parts collection to a new, dry, 
> building. As part of the move, I've unearthed three butternut 
> verticals. One is the HF5-VIII. It's pretty cool in that it has 
> linear(nested tubes) capacitors instead of the door knobs common to 
> the other butternut verticals. Another is a HF2-V 40-80. I also have 
> what appear to be 160m coils. A third is a plain old HF5V with the two 
> doorknob caps. If anyone near Atlanta is interested in either of the 
> HF5 plus the HF2, I'd like to keep one and sell two. Send me some 
> direct email. I'm thinking $320 for the pair but will take trade/swap any
> 73, -Bob ah7i/w4
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