[TenTec] SOTA RADIO: charge your batteries by hiking to the summit?

Jim Allen jim.allen at longhornband.net
Fri Mar 18 19:23:17 EDT 2016

Better antennas weigh less than amps and batteries,  just sayin'.

73 de W6OGC Jim Allen 

Sent from my iPad

> On Mar 18, 2016, at 18:10, Jack Emerson <w4tje at wiredog.com> wrote:
> I've been busy with work this week and haven't had time for my 2 cents worth on sota/radios/etc.
> But generally speaking, anything N1EU says on the subject I would take as gud as gold.
> I was pulled kicking and screaming into sota 3 years or so ago, tnx to N4LA, and now am really into it.
> The gear I take has evolved to where I now usually use a kx-3 with the 100 watt amp that goes with it, and more often than not, I carry 2 of the little batteries with me. Running the amp at around 50 watts, I can get about 4 hours of use from the 2 batteries.
> For my paddle, I use the GHD mini paddle sold by Morse Express.
> I use an amp because I grew tired of hiking to the top of some mountain and only working a handful of stations.
> ...........

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