[TenTec] Master Reset on Power up

Gary J FollettDukes HiFi dukeshifi at comcast.net
Thu May 5 22:31:36 EDT 2016

Yes you need the battery.

It is located on the front panel PC board.

You remove the 12 flat head screws that hold the plastic front panel in place and hinge the front open.

You will see a yellow thing. That is the battery, a simple plug in device.

It is a M4T28-BR12SH1 and DigiKey has plenty of them

> On May 5, 2016, at 2:59 PM, Barry LaZar <k3ndm at comcast.net> wrote:
> I'm running the latest firmware on my Orion II, 3.033xe. When I do a power up, it tells me that the master reset is complete. The same thing was happening on the version of firmware just before. I suspect that the memory keep alive battery needs to be replaced, but my manual has no reference to it or anything about memory.  Any ideas/comments??
> Barry
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