[TenTec] Corsair I gone bad!

k7mks at comcast.net k7mks at comcast.net
Wed Nov 2 14:14:38 EDT 2016

During testing thru a Bird 43 into a dRAKE 

During testing thru a Bird 43 to a Drake KW dummy load my Corsair decided to quit with a bang like a firecracker and a puff of smoke exiting from the 3/8" hole in the top of the final assembly. The power supply breaker tripped 

After I recovered from this sudden turn of events I discovered that I still had a working transmitte but could only get about 30-45 watts output before the PS breaker tripped at about 14A or so. 

I strongly suspect my Corsair went from a nicely working radio to a "parts unit" in an instant but decided to touch base with those that are more comfortable with the events I've described. What likely went astray in the RF final? 

73 Joe K7MKS 


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