[TenTec] Ten Tec Centaur issues
Dukes HiFi
dukeshifi at comcast.net
Thu Nov 10 21:51:55 EST 2016
Actually, the tuned input circuit could not cause excess plate current, only low plate current due to insufficient drive.
Also, if there is any issue with the tuned input, it should be easily seen with the transceiver’s built in SWR meter.
> On Nov 10, 2016, at 8:16 PM, Mike Bryce <prosolar at sssnet.com> wrote:
> Mike Bryce
> prosolar at sssnet.com
>> On Nov 10, 2016, at 6:29 PM, rick at dj0ip.de <Rick at DJ0IP.de> wrote:
>> If not the tubes, then it sounds like the something in the tank circuit is wrong.
>> When you build an amp from scratch and are searching for the best place for the band taps, as you move from turn to turn and then around the coil to find the best spot, you see the same scenario you are describing.
>> It sounds like it is failing to find a resonance.
>> Are you dipping the plate current as you tune or are you just tuning for maximum output power?
> dip the plate and then load for max power. Always trying to keep current around 500/550 ma. On the higher bands, current exceeds 600+ ma.
>> I don't have the circuit in front of me and it's way too late at night to pull it out and look, but perhaps there are some fixed caps normally switched by band and one has blown, or the switch is burned or has a bad or no solder.
> There is a small pcb that holds come capacitors that are switched in depending on band. I will take a complete teardown to get at them.
>> Also, have you checked the signal level into the tube itself, after passing through the input filter?
>> If something is bad in there, that would cause this.
> seems okay
> Mike, WB8VGE
>> Just for a test you can completely bypass those switched filters, disconnect them and apply power to the finals just through a capacitor. This should give you similar output power on all bands. If not then the problem is probably not in the input filters, so you can reconnect them.
>> At the end of the day, the only way to fix it is to get in there and fix it.
>> You have to try things and eventually you will come across the significant clue that leads you to the source of the problem.
>> Gud luk Mike.
>> BTW, there is a phenomenon I have discovered... I am 10x better at fixing other people's radio than I am at fixing my own. I can only imagine that I am subconsciously too emotional, too worried, something, and my mind doesn’t think as freely as it does when working on other people's radio.
>> 73 - Rick, DJ0IP
>> (Nr. Frankfurt, Germany)
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