[TenTec] I hate to say it but...

Al Gulseth wb5jnc at centurytel.net
Fri Sep 2 09:39:03 EDT 2016

I've owned a couple of K2s over the years and scratched my head quite a bit 
over why the IF/AF filter selection system was set up the way it was (filter 
selection stepping wide to narrow, requiring "taptaptaptap" [if I count 
right!] to circle back around to the next wider filter) instead of being 
bidirectional like the older TTs are. In other ways the K2 is the general 
direction I wish TT had gone with the Argonaut/Argosy line.

K3? Not of interest at this QTH.

73, Al
On Fri September 2 2016 6:33:38 am Paul Christensen wrote:
> >"The front panel ergonomics on the K3 is a nightmare compared to the Omni
> 6+, which has perhaps the best front panel EVER.  FWIW, I've owned them
> both for many years."
> In eight years of using a K3, I still cannot get the band and mode
> pushbutton sequence correct.  8/10 times I push up when I want to go down
> and vice-versa.  The K3 panel really needed dedicated band and mode
> buttons.  Also, when a 2nd receiver isn't installed in a K3 and when
> operating SPLIT, the REV button is located way too far away from the tuning
> knob.  Compare that simple function with the Omni Six or most JA rigs. 
> IMHO, Icom has designed some of the most usable panel layouts in their
> recent product line.
> Paul, W9AC
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