[TenTec] Scads of used Icom IC-7300

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sat Sep 10 15:23:30 EDT 2016

On Sat,9/10/2016 12:10 PM, Carl Moreschi wrote:
> The clip point on my Flex 6500 is S9+80 DB.  That's +7 dbm. 

5W at the antenna input. That's a LOT of signal.

> If it were to happen that I had signal overload, I would put the 20 db 
> attenuator on. 

Or engage a bandpass filter if the signal is out of band.

My neighbor, K6TD, an excellent EE and contester, told me two years ago 
that the 6500 is the best radio he's ever owned, but that the UI was 
awful.  The UI has been improved to the extent that some major 
contesters are pretty happy. I know of at least four 6500/5700 owners in 
NCCC (the SF Bay area contesters club), and all are both excellent 
engineers and active contesters.

73, Jim K9YC

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