[TenTec] Post to the Amps Reflector from Dishtronix

Ralph Arnold rea.papaof10 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 12:30:25 EDT 2016

Hi Jim this is KD8BTQ-Ralph  I have been a TenTec fan for years being a red
neck Electronics Tech retired USN anyway I too do not approve of jumping on
Mike like that. I see Mike Dishop as a good guy trying to fill some really
big shoes.  I'm an old school ET Navy trained to component level repair.
To repair that amp that you didn't make with defective 3rd world parts is a
bit much to ask for and then complain when you come through and fix it.
Some people have more nerve that common horse sense. Oh well I've already
said to much But I just had to say something 73  KD8BTQ

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 3:46 PM, Jim Brown <k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com>

> Members of this reflector will almost certainly appreciate this post to
> the Amps reflector from Dishtronix, the company that bought RKR. The third
> paragraph is particularly interesting. The complaint is about service on an
> Alpha 9500.
> 73, Jim K9YC
> =   =   =   =   =   =
> Hello Jim,
> In reading this it appears rather negative to me, which I don't quite
> understand.  Regardless of the 95 days, you do realize that was RKR who you
> had the problem with?  I have more people working there than RKR had!
> The long and the short of it was this -  you called me with your problem
> and in less than a calander week you got your amp back.  I didn't sell you
> the amp, and I am not liable for any of RF Concepts or RKR warranty work by
> the terms of the sale, yet I gave you two free hours of work -  AFTER you
> were so mean on the telephone to Carol that you made her cry!
> You are right -  the new Alpha is not the Alpha you knew.  The Alpha you
> knew was bought by a corporate raider who didn't pay his suppliers and
> alienated the entire supply chain for Alpha and Ten Tec, who built every
> possible unit he could build and sold for a cut rate price, reducing prices
> constantly until everything was gone, liquidated every piece of equipment
> he could, and then moved on to do something else leaving everyone holding
> the bag.
> The new management is putting capitol into the business, paying suppliers,
> paying employees and attempting to regenerate the brand.  We bought the
> business with the express intention of finishing the tuner. When the tuner
> is finished it will be even better that it would have been because I
> personally am supervising the engineering and I'm not known for
> compromising or ever saying "That is good enough", because good is not good
> enough when you intend to be great.
> I'm not responsible for what others did. I'm responsible for what I do.
> Thanks,
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arthur Movius [mailto:ajmovius at gmail.com]
> Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2016 11:24 AM
> To:amps at contesting.com; Dave Movius<dave.movius at gmail.com>; Alpha Service<
> alphaamps1 at gmail.com>; Steven M. Dishop<Steven.Dishop at Dishtronix.com>
> Subject: Re: [Amps] FW: alpha 9500
> Hello Steve,
> For what it may be worth, here's a brief summary of my recent experience.
> Your inquiry is timely.
> Yesterday, Sept. 16, 2016 I received an email from Alpha RF Systems, LLC
> that my 9500 delivered to Longmont, CO on June 10 for warranty repair (RA
> 11050) of a failed band pot, plus any upgrades, was completed.  I called
> owner Mike Dishop of Dishtronix Tuesday Sept. 13, explained that my amp had
> been at Alpha for 95 days, and had a nice 20 minute conversation with him.
> He said that he has been involved with Alpha a short time and that he would
> follow up.
> The bill shows 2 hours warranty time and 3 hours non-warranty time at
> $120.00 / hour for a total bill of $512.50 including $105.00 shipping cost
> via Fed Ex Home Delivery back to MT.  The bill also shows a $35.00 charge
> for a Hall Effect sensor to replace the failed band pot--the reason for the
> warranty repair.
> Other work:   re-calibration of band positions, installation of a fuse
> in the cathode 40v circuit, update of all firmware (5 microprocessors),
> tested amp on all bands, checked tuning and output.  The amp and tube
> condition were reported as good.
> Conclusion:  at the present time Alpha is "under resourced" regarding
> repairs.  I had asked whether billed work gets priority over warranty work
> and was told by Carol who answers calls that repairs are done in the order
> received.  Glenn Pladsen their one full time tech says he has only part
> time help.
> There are others who repair Alpha reputed to be competent, so you have
> other options to investigate besides the manufacturer.
> Bottom line, which I will think about--no hasty decision--is that I will
> pack up the transformer and sell this amp when it returns without opening
> the factory carton.  Good service after the sale is important and strongly
> affects purchase decisions, and here, no criticism of Alpha employees
> intended, Alpha disappoints--this is not the Alpha I knew when the amp was
> purchased in 2013.  Also, my order for the Dream Tuner placed Feb. 2013
> might soon be cancelled.  There is reason to doubt whether this good idea
> will ever make it to market.  As mentioned to Mike Dishop, the Alpha brand
> will suffer damage if he does not take corrective  action soon.  Reviews of
> the Prometheus solid state HF amp give Dishtronix high praise for a good
> product and good service after the sale.
> GL Steve es 73,
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