[TenTec] The New TenTec

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Sat Sep 24 15:54:55 EDT 2016

>"Look at Wayne and Eric.  After 18 years of relentless effort, they have
become an overnight success."

Far from overnight.  Prior to the formation of Elecraft, they began with
club projects for NorCal.  As far as I can recall, Wayne started with the
design of the Safari-4 in 1990, then the Sierra, NorCal 40, and 49er.  In
between, they launched the Wilderness series of the simpler QRP transceivers
and add-on kits.  Elecraft was a decade in the making.  

Close to 16 years ago Wayne and Eric teamed up to form Elecraft which gave
us the K-2, K-1, K-3, and KX series.  The rest is history but that history
was not made overnight.  It began with evolutionary growth through Norcal.
It was NorCal that established their legitimacy as designers and
high-quality kit producers.   

Paul, W9AC 

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